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UMCN Distributes Food Relief To Drought Victims In Taraba

  The United Methodist Church in Nigeria (UMCN) has provided life-saving relief to communities affected by last year's devastating...


The Speaker,
Honorable Members of the Taraba State 
House of Assembly,
Distinguish Guests.

I stand before you today with a sense of duty, responsibility, and optimism as we gather to present the budget for fiscal year 2024 for our beloved state, Taraba.
This occasion marks a crucial moment in our journey towards sustainable development, progress, and prosperity.
Before delving into the specifics of the budget, I would like to express my gratitude to the State House of Assembly for their unwavering commitments to the development of the state. Your tireless effort and dedication to the welfare of our people have not gone unnoticed, and I am confident that together, we will continue to build a Taraba that we can all be proud of.
Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, during this address, as it is the convention, I will review the performance of the 2023 Approved Budget before presenting the proposals of the next fiscal year. The full details of the proposals will be given to the Honourable House by the Honourable Commissioner of the Ministry of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning.
Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members may recall that the 9th Assembly of this Honourable House appropriated the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-Three Billion, Two Hundred and Thirty-Four Million, Five Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand, Four Hundred and Fifty-Nine Naira, Forty Kobo only (₦173,234,537,459.40) for the services of the State Government for the 2023 fiscal period. 
This was broken down into Seventy-Four Billion, Five Hundred and Fifty-Six Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Nine Thousand, Eighty-Eight Naira, Fifteen Kobo only (₦74,556,829,088.15) for recurrent expenditure while the balance of Ninety-Eight Billion, Six Hundred and Seventy-Seven Million, Seven Hundred and Eight Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy- One Naira, Twenty-Five Kobo only (₦98,677,708,371.25) was for capital investment.
Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, in the year under review, the change in the mantle of leadership that brought this Administration on board and her priorities have necessitated the 10th Assembly to approve a supplementary Budget of Two Hundred and Six Billion, Seven Hundred and Seventy-Six Million Naira, Zero Kobo (₦206,776,000,000.00) only. 
As of 30th September 2023, provisional figure from Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) shows that a total sum of Eighty-Seven Billion, Four Hundred and Forty-Nine Million, Two Hundred and Ninety-Nine Thousand, One Hundred and Sixty-Eight Naira, Fifty-Nine Kobo (₦87,449,299,168.59) only accrued as revenue.
This comprises of the following: Opening balance of Eleven Billion,  Five Hundred Million Naira, Zero Kobo (₦11,500,000,000.00) only, Government share of Federal Statutory Revenue (Value Added Tax inclusive) of Fifty-Eight Billion, Eight Hundred Million, Nine Hundred and  Forty-Two Thousand, Sixty-Eight Naira, Ninety-Nine Kobo (₦58,800,942,068.99) only and Independent Revenue of Eight Billion, Three Hundred and Ninety-Eight Million, Eight Hundred and Ninety-Four Thousand, Seven Hundred and Twenty-One Naira, Fourteen Kobo (₦8,398,894,721.14) only. Others are Aids and Grants of Three Billion, Four Hundred and Thirty-Five Million, Six Hundred and Fifty-One Thousand, Two Hundred and Nine Naira, Thirty-Two Kobo (₦3,435,651,209.32) only and Capital Development Fund (CDF) Receipts of Five Billion, Three Hundred and Thirteen Million, Eight Hundred and Eleven Thousand, One Hundred and Sixty-Nine Naira, Fourteen Kobo (₦5,313,811,169.14) only. Out of which Government had expended the sum of Fifty-Two Billion, Eight Hundred and Seventy-Nine Million, Nine Hundred and Seventy-Six Thousand, Three Hundred and Nineteen Naira, Sixty Kobo (₦52,879,976,319.60) only on recurrent activities and Forty-Six Billion, Seven Hundred and Fifty-Nine Million, Ninety-Four Thousand, Nine Hundred and One Naira, Forty-Four Kobo (₦46,759,094,901.44) only for capital outlay. The expenditure profile shows that 13.9% of the total receipt went for recurrent expenditure and 12.3% went for capital expenditure.  The total percentage performance of the Budget therefore stood at 26.2% as against the expected 75% for the period under review.
Owing to the performance stated above, the government has been able to execute the following projects as can be seen below:
Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, during the period under review the State Government procured and distributed certified assorted seeds and Mini Produce Storage Bins to farmers free of charge. Government also provided 2,460 metric tons of assorted fertilizers to farmers as palliatives to cushion the effect of subsidy removal on petrol. Others include the provision of Livestock supplementary feed and procurement of agro-chemicals and equipment; procured and distributed Anthrax vaccines to livestock farmers in the State to prevent Zoonotic diseases; payment of Government contributions for IFAD-VCDP, Livestock Production and Resilient Support Project (L-PRES), and FADAMA CARES. Government also renovated staff quarters in the College of Agriculture and provided water supply within the College. Overall, the sum of Two Billion, Two Hundred and Forty-Eight Million, Seven Hundred and Twenty-Six Thousand, Four Hundred and Eighty-Five Naira, Zero Kobo (₦2,248,726,485.00) only was expended in the sector to improve agricultural productivity and ensure food security in the State.

 In the Works and Transport sector, the Government continued with the on-going projects. Within the period under review, Government funded the work on the Dual Carriage Way and Wukari - Tsokundi Road. Work has also progressed in Yerima – Gassol – Dominion Road; Mararraba – Baissa – Abong Road and Pamanga – Dakka Road. 
In the Aviation sub-sector, government embarked upon the expansion of the Danbaba Suntai Airport. In all, the sum of Thirteen Billion, Four Hundred and Thirty-Six Million, Four Hundred and Twenty-Four Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty-Three Naira, Seventy-Six Kobo (₦13,436,424,623.76) only were spent in the Works and transport sub-sector.
In our resolve of giving Taraba citizens quality health care services, government provided the following interventions: Completion of College of Nursing and Midwifery; Procurement and distribution of essential drugs; Installation of magnetic Resonate Images in Takum, Wukari, Bambur and Gembu; Solar panel Housing in 4 General hospital; Diseases Surveillance and response; Procurement of Hospital equipment and consumable; Procurement of ambulance to secondary health facilities, and Medical assistance to State indigent persons. The sum of One Billion, Four Hundred and Forty-Four Million, Three Hundred and Twelve Thousand, Six Hundred and Forty-Four Naira, Forty-one Kobo only (₦1,444,312,644.41) was spent in the health sector.

Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, in the period under review, my administration has remained proactive in her interventions in the Education sector. The interventions cut across all the sub-sectors namely basic, secondary, and tertiary education. Highlights of activities in the education sector are: Key stakeholders in the Education sector visited Rwanda and Finland on a study tour to under study their education system for the benefit of the State; Remodeling of government primary and secondary schools Nyamu-Sala; Government was able to deploy the matching grants received from the Universal Basic Education Commission to projects in the 2023 interventions.  In the Tertiary sub-sector, the support from TETFUND has enabled our high institutions to upgrade their infrastructure within the period under review. 
Overall, the sum of Three Billion, One Hundred and Forty-Eight Million, Seven Hundred and Ninety-Seven Thousand, Seven Hundred and Thirty-Seven Naira Nineteen Kobo (₦3,148,797,737.19) only were expended in the Education sub-sector.

Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, in our craving to bestow a sustainable water supply system to the citizenry, government has continued to fund the Jalingo Primary Water Supply Scheme. Government has also provided wash facilities in schools, markets, motor parks and health centers in some communities. The sum of One Billion and Fourteen Million Naira, Zero Kobo (₦1,014,000,000.00) only were spent in the Water sub-sector.

During the period under review, we remained committed to safeguarding lives and properties across the State. We stepped up our efforts to ensure that an equitable, peaceful, and secure environment was guaranteed to our citizens. Other project activities carried out included the renovation and furnishing of Liaison offices, provision of subventions and grants to Yangtu and Ngada Special Development Areas and government companies. 
Also, government was able to procure some assorted vehicles for her logistics. In all the sum of Twelve Billion, Five Hundred and Thirty-One Million, Four Hundred and Seventy-Eight Thousand and Sixty-Three Naira Fifty-Three Kobo (₦12,531,478,063.53) only were expended in governance.

Summary of Performance (January – September 2023)


Works and Infrastructure Development, and Transport Development





Others (Including Recurrent Expenditure)


Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, the budget I am about to present today is not just a financial document; it is a blueprint for the future of Taraba. It reflects our collective vision for a state that is economically vibrant, socially inclusive, and environmentally sustainable.
Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, the 2024 Budget Estimates of the State aims to foster sustainable growth, social development, Agriculture and rural development, infrastructure development, Governance, and public financial management. The preparation of the 2024 Budget was guided by the following macroeconomic variables as determined by the Federal Government:
     International oil price benchmark of $73.96 per barrel,
     Oil production quota of 1.78 million barrels per day,
     United States Dollar exchange rate to N700,
     Inflation rate of 21% and
     A GDP growth rate of 3.76%. 
Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, for the State services in the 2024 fiscal period, the Government has estimated the sum of Three Hundred and Eleven Billion, Three Hundred and Eighty-Eight Million, Five Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty-One Naira, Ninety-Six Kobo (₦311,388,525,661.96) only.
The projected revenue of Three Hundred and Eleven Billion, Three Hundred and Eighty-Eight Million, Five Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty-One Naira, Ninety-Six Kobo (₦311,388,525,661.96) only comprises of an Opening Balance of Three Billion, Five Hundred Million Naira, Zero Kobo (₦3,500,000,000.00) only representing 1.2%, Independent Revenue estimate of Twenty-Seven Billion, Eight Hundred and Thirty Million, Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty-Four Naira, Ten  Kobo (₦27,830,439,124.10) only representing 8.9%, Government Share of FAAC (Statutory Revenue including Value Added Tax) of One Hundred and Ten Billion, Four Hundred and Twenty-Eight Million, Nine Hundred and Sixty-Seven Thousand, One Hundred and Ninety-Two Naira, Thirty-Eight Kobo (₦110,428,967,192.38) only representing 35.5%, Aids and Grants of Twenty-Three Billion, One Hundred and Thirty-Six Million, One Hundred and Ninety-Nine Thousand, Three Hundred and Forty-Six Naira, Sixty-Six Kobo (₦23,136,199,346.66) only representing 7.4%, Capital Development Fund (CDF) Receipts of One Hundred and Forty-Six Billion, Four Hundred and Ninety-Two Million, Nine Hundred and Nineteen Thousand, Nine Hundred and Ninety-Eight Naira, Eighty-Two Kobo (₦146,492,919,998.82) only representing 46.4%.
The total independent collectible revenue is estimated at Twenty-Seven Billion, Eight Hundred and Thirty Million, Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty-Four Naira, Ten Kobo (₦27,830,439,124.10) only in 2024. For the State to push up her collection effort over and above this estimate, government will ensure that all revenue collecting MDAs are given incentives that will make them quadruple their collection efforts. Taraba State Internal Revenue Service should ensure that this is done through enhanced monitoring and safeguards to check   leakages.

Total Recurrent Expenditure is estimated at One Hundred and Eleven Billion, Six Hundred and Seventy-Nine Million, Five Hundred and Ninety-Five Thousand, Three Hundred and Fifty-Eight Naira Fifty-Nine Kobo (₦111,679,595,358.59) only representing 35.9%. This is made up of total Personnel Cost of Fifty-Six Billion, Six Hundred and Fifty-Nine Million, Eight Hundred and Eighty Thousand, Three Hundred Naira, Forty-Eight Kobo (₦56,659,880,300.48) only and Other Recurrent Costs of Fifty-Five Billion, Nineteen Million, Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand and Fifty-Eight Naira, Ten Kobo (₦55,019,715,058.10) only.
The 2024 Budget has a capital expenditure estimate of One Hundred and Ninety-Nine Billion, Seven Hundred and Eight Million, Nine Hundred and Thirty Thousand, Three Hundred and Three Naira, Thirty-Seven Kobo (₦199,708,930,303.37) only representing 64.1% with the following sectoral allocations in accordance with the classifications of National Chart of Accounts:
Administration: Twenty-Nine Billion, Six Hundred and Seventy-Nine Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty-Six Naira, Sixty-Five Kobo (₦29,679,825,126.65) only representing 14.9%.
Economy: One Hundred and Fourteen Billion, Two Hundred and Twenty-Five Million, Five Hundred and Thirty Thousand, Six Hundred and Ninety-Five Naira, Eighty-Five Kobo (₦114,225,530,695.85) only representing 57.2%.
Law and Justice: Four Billion, and Eleven Million, Three Hundred and Ten Thousand, Three Hundred and Sixty-Two Naira, Zero Kobo (₦4,011,310,362.00) only representing 2%.
Social Services: Fifty-One Billion, Seven Hundred and Ninety-Two Million, Two Hundred and Sixty-Four Thousand, One Hundred and Eighteen Naira, Eighty-Seven Kobo (₦51,792,264,118.87) only representing 25.9%.
Mr. Speaker and Honourable members, my administration came on board with five (5) fingers mantra of Education, Security, Women and Youth empowerment, Infrastructure development and Health. The 2024 Budget of the State will place specific emphasis on the following key areas. 

Education is the bedrock of any progressive society. To this end, a substantial portion of the 2024 budget is dedicated to the education sector. We aim to enhance infrastructure in schools, improve teachers training, and invest in educational technology to ensure our youth receive the best possible education. 

The well-being of our citizens is of paramount importance. The budget includes significant allocations to strengthen our health care system, improve facilities, and enhance the welfare of healthcare professionals. We are committed to ensuring accessible, affordable and quality healthcare services for all Tarabans. 

Agriculture remains the backbone of our economy. We will continue to invest in modern agricultural practices, provide support to farmers, and develop agricultural business initiatives. Our goal is to enhance Food Security, increase agricultural productivity, and create employment opportunities in the sector.

Acknowledging the pivotal role of energy in our development, the budget addresses the need for sustainable and reliable energy sources. We are committed to investing in renewable energy projects, ensuring a stable power supply, and fostering innovation in the energy sector.

The Mining sector is a crucial component of our economic diversification strategy. The Budget includes provision to support responsible and sustainable mining practices. We will work towards creating a conducive environment for responsible mining activities, ensuring that the sector contributes to economic growth while prioritizing environmental conservation. 

Infrastructure development is crucial for economic growth. The budget includes allocation for the construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and other critical infrastructure projects. We believe that improved infrastructure will stimulate economic activities, enhance connectivity, and improve the overall quality of life for our citizens.

The safety and Security of our citizens are non-negotiable. Adequate resources have been allocated to strengthen our Security apparatus, enhance the capacity of law enforcement agencies, and implement Community based initiatives to ensure a safe and secure environment for all.

In line with our commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development, I am pleased to announce that five percent (5%) of the total 2024 budget has been allocated to a special initiative: The Greening Taraba Project. This project is a testament to our dedication to preserving the natural beauty of our state, enhancing our ecological balance, and mitigating the impact of climate change.
The Greening Taraba Project will focus on initiatives such as afforestation, reforestation, and environmental conservation. We recognize that a healthy environment is fundamental to the well-being of our citizens and the overall prosperity of our state. By allocating a significant portion of the budget to this initiative, we are making a strategic investment in the long-term sustainability and resilience of Taraba. 
This project will not only contribute to the preservation of our rich biodiversity but will also create employment opportunities, stimulate economic growth, and improve the quality of life for our people. It is a holistic approach that aligns with global best practices in environmental stewardship.
Furthermore, the Greening Taraba Project will involve partnerships with local communities, non-governmental organizations, and other, stakeholders, to ensure that our efforts are collaborative, inclusive, and effective. Together, we will work towards building a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable Taraba for generations to come.
May the Greening Taraba Project serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for us all as we embark on this journey towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.
Government institutions will be strengthened. We will also promote transparency, accountability, and effective public financial management to ensure efficient resource allocation and utilization.


Forty – Three Billion, Two Hundred and Eight Million, Two Hundred and Seventy – Eight Thousand, Eight Hundred and Forty – Nine, Twenty – Nine Kobo

Thirty-Three Billion, Fifty – Four Million, Six Hundred and Eighty – Six Thousand, Eight Hundred and Forty – Eight Naira, Four Kobo (33,054,686,848.04)

Works and Infrastructure Development
Twenty – Four Billion, Eight Hundred and Four Million, Two Hundred and thirty – Two Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifty – Three Naira, Seventeen Kobo

Agriculture and Food Security
Eighteen Billion, Eight Hundred and Fifty – Three Million, Eight Hundred and Fifty – Two Thousand, Eighty – One Naira, Forty – Five Kobo (18,853,852,081.45)

Twenty Billion, One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Million, Six Hundred Eighty-Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Four Naira Eighty-Seven Kobo. (20,128,684,804.87)

Sixteen Billion Three Hundred and Three Million Six Hundred and Two Thousand One Hundred and Fifty-Six Naira Sixteen Kobo.

Eight Billion Nine Hundred and Fifteen Million Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Naira Fifty-Nine Kobo (8,915,439,460.59)

Thirty-Four Billion One Million Four Hundred Ninety-Eight Hundred and Thirty-One Naira Sixty-Five Kobo (34,001,498,831.65)

Commerce, Trade and Industry
Eight Billion Four Hundred 7 Sixty-Nine Million Eight Hundred Twenty-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Naira Eighty Kobo

Women Affairs and Child Development
Three Billion Two Hundred and Ninety Million Four Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand One Hundred Eighty-Six Naira Thirty-Five Kobo

Youth and Sport Development
Two Billion Six Hundred and Forty-One Million Two Hundred Eighty-Eight Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty-Two Niara Fifty Kobo (2,641,288,762.50)

Sixty-Five Billion Five Hundred Twenty-Four Million Eighty-Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty-Six Naira Seventy-Two Kobo

Cooperative and Poverty Alleviation
Two Billion Three Hundred and Ninety-Seven Million Four Hundred Forty-Two Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Naira Ninety-Six Kobo

Waste Management
Two Billion Nine Hundred Sixty-Four Million Nine Hundred Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-Four Naira (2,964,964,964.00)

Water and Aquatic Affairs
Seven Billion Six Hundred and Seventy-Five Million Seven Hundred and Ninety-Four Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-Three Naira Fifty-Nine Kobo

Transport Development
Five Billion Four Hundred and Thirty-Four Million Eight Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Three Naira Fifteen Kobo

Thirteen Billion Seven Hundred and Nineteen Million Five Hundred and Forty- Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven Naira Sixty-Seven Kobo

Three Hundred and Eleven Billion, Three Hundred and Eighty-Eight Million, Five Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty-One Naira, Ninety-Six Kobo (311,388,525,661.96)

Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, the 2024 Budget of the State strives to advance the State's socioeconomic development agenda through strategic investments in education, infrastructure, healthcare, agriculture, security, and governance. By prioritizing these sectors and implementing prudent financial management practices, the State will achieve sustainable growth, improve service delivery, and enhance the overall well-being of our people. 
Mr. Speaker and distinguished members, at this juncture, may I once again express my profound gratitude for your continuous support and cooperation in our efforts to improve the wellbeing of our people. It is therefore, with great pleasure, that I lay before this Honourable House the 2024 Taraba State Appropriation Bill that I titled the "BUDGET OF MOVING FORWARD" to the tune of Three Hundred and Eleven Billion, Three Hundred and Eighty-Eight Million, Five Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty-One Naira, Ninety-Six Kobo (₦311,388,525,661.96) only.
I call upon the honorable members of the State House of Assembly to consider and deliberate on the 2024 budget, with the understanding that it represents a collective commitment to the well-being and future of our state. Together, let us continue to strive for excellence, innovation and progress.
Thank you, and May God bless the people of Taraba State and our great nation, Nigeria.
Despite Paying 11m Ransom, Kidnappers Fail To Release Abducted UMCN Members
The leadership of the Southern Conference of the United Methodist Church, UMC, has vowed to resort to self-defence if both the federal and Taraba State governments fail to ensure the immediate release of their kidnapped members.

The president of the church, Rev. Micah Dopa, urged the government on to, as a matter of urgency, address the escalating banditry activities in the state and expressed concern over the prolonged hostage situation.

He revealed that despite coughing out a whopping sum of N11 million to the kidnappers, they refused to set free the church's members held hostage.

The church, which made its position known in a statement issued to journalists in the state, called on traditional rulers and political officeholders in the area (Yorro Council) to prove their innocence.

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, UMC condemned the "ungodly, barbaric, heartless, evil, and senseless act of banditry" in Yorro, emphasising the economic and social impacts on the community.

Commending the efforts of President Bola Tinubu, Governor Agbu Kefas, and security operatives, UMC urged the Yorro community to collaborate with security agencies, emphasising that government alone cannot provide the needed security.

In response, the Taraba State Police command assured the public that strategies are in place to flush out bandits not only from Yorro but across the state.

Commissioner of Police Joseph Eribo appealed for calm and urged citizens to provide useful information to aid police action against kidnappers, cautioning against resorting to self-defence as it could lead to anarchy.

Clerics and members of UMCN were among the several numbers of persons kidnapped in Dila and Pupule villages of Yorro Local Government Council a few days before Christmas.

Will Govt Resort To Negotiations With Bandits To End Terror In Taraba?

Angry by incessant abductions and barbaric killing of innocent souls unabated, and solutions insights by bandits in different hot spots in Taraba state, some few days to his release from captivity, the Second Class Chief of Kwaji Chiefdom in Yorro local government area of Taraba State Alhaji Umaru Abubakar Nyala was sighted in a short video clip circularting on social media appealing to Taraba State government to negotiate with bandits for peace to reign in the state.

Alhaji Umaru Abubakar Nyala, a pregnant wife and 21 others were abducted late last year by suspected kidnappers at Pupule town, headquarters of his Chiefdom.

The bandits who kidnapped the traditional ruler, used him to send a message to the Taraba State government to negotiate with them.

"We are calling on the government to come to our aid and rescue our lives because of it injustice melted on Fulani community, threat to their peace, ejecting them from their places of abode and killing them like chicken's almost on daily basis, as well massive destruction of their belongings, forcing them to fled to some places despite being Nigerians and even Tarabans".

As he mentioned and queries isn't fulanis human beings? And are they not Nigerian's, or are they animals? They are complaining about the inhuman torture melted on their parents which led them to become orphans.

"They should either take revange of what had happened to them or government should call them to a roundtable for negotiation. There should be no discrimination and no injustice."

Another captive, identified as Reverend Ayuba MK Elkanah also spoke on the need to engage bandits in dialogue stressing that the bandits sought revenge for past wrongs but desired peace.

He emphasised that despite their current plight, the bandits treated them well during captivity while reiterating the call for government intervention, stating, "We were treated nicely. They didn't hurt us; they are all good to us. The government should come and do something about it."

Recall that in his New Year message to the people of Taraba state, Governor Agbu Kefas stated that "My administration is resolute in ensuring that the dividends of governance are felt by the people."

Let me assure you that our dedication to the unity and development of Taraba remains unwavering"

"Our government is truly a government by the people, of the people, for the people."

On the security challenges facing the state at the moment, Governor Kefas was quoted as saying the security challenges that have touched the lives of some of our citizens is a constitutional responsibility that we take seriously."

"In the coming months of the year, we will redouble our efforts to make Taraba a safer haven for all."

He pledged "Every citizen across the 168 wards is an integral part of our collective journey towards prosperity."

Sintali Community Backs Jabir Maihanci  For PDP Ticket, Insist  Umar Baba Must Step Down


Our attention has been drawn on the issues of Jalingo, Yorro and Zing Federal Constituency's by-election to fill the vacant seat of our Sintali vibrant son, late. Ismail Maihanchi. We have been following the political battles, both online and in physical i.e offline. After permutations, our attentions goes to the profiled of one of our son who is also contesting from the family of late Hon. Ismail Maihanchi who is a Finance Director with a high profile in the Taraba civil service.

This is necessary at this moment that we, the Concerned Members of Sintali Community uses this medium to call our elders in Sintali Community and Maihanchi's family to urge Alh Umar Abdullahi Baba to maintain his current position as the Director Finance and not to risk the position to an uncertain permutations which will bring in setbacks in Sintali Community if he fails to win the PDP ticket. 

Further more, we are appealing to both the Sintali Community and Maihanchi's Family to look inward and observe some positions that we lost with the demise of our notable children. Here are few of our great loses that have cost Sintali Community vital positions in government. 
1) Engr. Nafiu Armiya'u Maihanchi
2) Accountant Abdulaziz Yusha'u Maihanchi
3) Late Hon. Ismaila Maihanci Yushau
4)Ja'afar Jaji
5) Yusuf Jaji
6) Mustapha Adamu Lau,
7) Colonel Bala Garke, 
8) and the Office of Managing Director Taraba Micro Finance Bank 

The Sintali Community cannot afford to lose a vital position like Director of Fiance to an uncertain political gambling.

With these, we are appealing on the Community and the Maihanchis to advise Alh. Umar Abdullahi Baba to maintain his position of certainty than eyeing a political office with uncertainty. Even Ismaila Maihanci did not win his first attend despite his acceptability and popularity which Umar is not miles from Ismaila popularity. Politics isn't bad, but his timing will cost Sintali Community a huge lost if he loses his current position as Director Finance. Once he retires from civil service, we, the community will support him fully to join politics, but not now. Let Umar Baba step down for Jabir Luqman Maihanchi. And we the Sintali Community stands a chance 
Concern Members of Sintali Community

Fintiri advocates quick kickoff of Mambilla Hydro Project in Taraba

Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri of Adamawa State has stressed the need for the Federal Government to commence work on the Mambilla Hydro Project urgently.

He said it was necessary to commence work on the project as it was pivotal to the overall development of the region and Nigeria.

The governor made the call on Monday during the 10th-year anniversary celebration of the Chief of Mambilla, Dr Shehu Baju II, in Sardauna, the administrative headquarters of Gembu council in Taraba State.

Speaking through his Secretary to the Government of Adamawa State, SGS, Barrister Awwal Tukur, Fintiri emphasized the economic growth potential and positive impact on local livelihoods that such infrastructure projects will bring to the region.

He called upon the people of the Mambila region to embrace peace and unity.

He also emphasized the importance of collaborating to ensure joint developmental efforts between neighbouring states.

The governor reaffirmed his commitment to fostering positive relationships and promoting developmental initiatives across state boundaries.

The Aku-Uka of Wukari, Elder Manu Ishaku, urged traditional rulers spread across the state to support the state government in promoting peace.

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