Aku Uka Honoured In Lafia

The Aku
Uka was welcomed and receives by the Emir of Lafia, Aku Arikya and members of
Lafia Emirate Council at the Lafia City Gate.
In a triumphant
entry into the town, Aku Uka was received by a mammoth crowd at the Palace of
the Emir of Lafia with the Secretary of the Lafia Emirate Council announcing
his presence, describing him as “Master
and Legend King of Bariberi”, while members of the council, District and Wards
Heads paid their traditional homage.
In his
remark, the Aku Uka extended the appreciation of the Jukun Kingdom to the Lafia
Bareberi Emirate and entire Barebari Kingdom for keeping to their mutual
relationship that has existed for more than 1000 years.
He briefly
narrated the history of the movement of Barebari and Jukun from Yemen through
Egypt to Ngazargamu in Nigeria.
“When the
Jukuns moved to Kwararafa down to Wukari and spread to other states in Nigeria
while Barebari moved to Borno spread to Lafia.”
He urged them to pray for peace and unity in
Nigeria, cooperate with the Emir, and be prayerful to leaders.
The Emir
of Lafia, Justice Sidi Bage I in his welcome address thanked the Aku Uka for
the important visit and appreciates his fatherly role to the Emirate.
According to the Emir of Lafia,
“Aku Uka is unique and has a significant role
in Lafia Emirate Council and Barebari Kingdom that is why Aku Uka sat on the
(the Emir's) official seat, nobody in this world and country no matter his
statue has ever sat and will ever sit on that official seat apart from the Emir
of Lafia and Aku Uka. He clearly pointed out that whenever Aku Uka is in this
Palace the officially coroneted seat is not longer for him but for Aku Uka.”
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